ACT - Amazon Conservation Team
ACT stands for Amazon Conservation Team
Here you will find, what does ACT stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Amazon Conservation Team? Amazon Conservation Team can be abbreviated as ACT What does ACT stand for? ACT stands for Amazon Conservation Team. What does Amazon Conservation Team mean?Amazon Conservation Team is an expansion of ACT
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Alternative definitions of ACT
- American Conservatory Theater
- Waco, Texas USA
- Automated Confirmation Transaction Service
- Accurate Complete And Timely
- Australian Capital Territory
- Australian Capital Territory
- American College Test
- American College Testing
View 304 other definitions of ACT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AP Amazon Promise
- AW Amazon Watch
- AAAO Amazon-Africa Aid Organization
- ABC Ambassador Baptist College
- ACI Ambassadors for Christ International
- ACJP Ambedkar Centre for Justice and Peace
- ACSNYC Amber Charter School of New York City
- ABCF Amberheart Breast Cancer Foundation
- AMCWC AMC World Clubs
- AMDAI AMD Alliance International